Sunday, December 5, 2010

"Your Book Smart, But Your Socially Clueless"

This was a fun-filled weekend of bars and drinks with wayyy to many calories. Normally, I have this little problem controlling myself when I'm drunk aka telling complete strangers my whole life story ("hey I'm Rachel. When I was eight...), kissing random boys, and basically just making an ass out of myself. Butttt this weekend I didn't get completely wasted and it was nice to not wake up feeling like I was the sloppy drunk moron at the party. So that was nice.

I met this boy on friday. He is friends with one of my other friends. So we talked the whole night and he asked for my number and said he was going to text me the next day.  Next day came text. But thats not really a shock it happens all the time right? Saturday night went out to some more bars and my friend (who is friends with boy) was there and asked me if I wanted her to give my number to boy. I said I already gave it to him but I was a little drunk so I could have given him the wrong number. She was going to a party he was at so when she got there she gave him my number and he text me...
"Are you only texting me because (insert friends name here) told you to?"
he said no that he accidentally forgot to save my number blah blah blah 
"I feel like I'm being annoying and drunk texitng you so i'm going to stop..."
he said i wasn't blah blah blah

but yeah thats the shit I say to guys. Not to mention when I was texting said friend while she was with him in my drunken stupor i wrote 
"He's completely perfect!"
Which I'm pretty sure she showed him because their best friends. Oh and did i mention I've only met this kid once.  

While I was talking to another friend I made some comment and he said "Your book smart, but your socially clueless" which I think sums me up pretty well.

Weight wise this weekend was annoying. I lost 1lb friday then gained it back saturday. I think it may be due to the fact that I'm about to start my period, which sucks. 

16 followers! Blows my mind thank you girls it means a lot! Hope you guys had a great weekend!


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