Sunday, November 14, 2010

9 days!

For the last few days I have been binging like food was going to become extinct. I gained 8lbs in less than a week...yep im out of control. its really disgusting and embarrassing to think about/write about. But last night before my last binge I made my self sign a promissory note. In said promissory note I agreed to note consume anything but coffee, tea, water, and redbull (its all caffinated drinks because I have a ton of studying to do for a test) for the duration of today. I know I can do this, if you can't keep a promise to yourself than who can you keep one to right?

9 days is the length of time I have before I go home and see my family for Thanksgiving so I would really love to be 145ish  lbs by then..thats a whole 13lbs Idk if I can make it but I'm sure as hell going to try! 


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